My FREE Tutorials
The following tutorials are presented absolutely FREE of charge so you can try out a sampling of what I provide in my paid tutorials. I encourage you to look through, drop a couple into your shopping cart, check out for free, and give them a try. If you enjoy these, then come back and try my paid tutorials. They offer more elaborate design concepts and ideas that you can apply and repeat with your own supplies.
I would also like to invite you to use over 100 free video tutorials from a regular bi-monthly at-home crafting event my business partner and I do called "Craft Day In A Box". You can watch our videos here: WATCH VIDEOS

2022-24 In-Colors Tutorial Bundle - 19 projects with videos
CAD $0.00
This project tutorial bundle includes 19 projects featuring the new 2022-24 In Colors and a whole host of stamp sets and product from the new 2022 Annual Catalogue. Each project has a corresponding video that shows you every step of making the projects.
This tutorial pack comes from an online event my team hosted in June as part of the Annual Catalogue launch. With purchase of this bundle you will also gain access to the exclusive event FB group and website where you can see the entire weekend event from beginning to end.