My FREE Tutorials
The following tutorials are presented absolutely FREE of charge so you can try out a sampling of what I provide in my paid tutorials. I encourage you to look through, drop a couple into your shopping cart, check out for free, and give them a try. If you enjoy these, then come back and try my paid tutorials. They offer more elaborate design concepts and ideas that you can apply and repeat with your own supplies.
I would also like to invite you to use over 100 free video tutorials from a regular bi-monthly at-home crafting event my business partner and I do called "Craft Day In A Box". You can watch our videos here: WATCH VIDEOS

Make A Batch of Cards Tutorial
CAD $0.00
This free tutorial shows you how to make a batch of 12 easy cards - all unique and different - from minimal supplies. Use up scraps of remaining DSP, or start with a whole pack. Get over 2000 totally different cards from this design - great for group projects and events where you can't give everyone the exact same DSP for make-and-takes.