Don't put your cactus in a drawer!

20210724 131804

Let me start off this blog post by saying that if one is going to "tuck something away for safe-keeping", or to "bring out at another time when you can share it and create with a friend".... one should not do that at the beginning of a pandemic lockdown because it will stay in the drawer for a long time and then get totally forgotten..... 

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That was the case with this beautiful Flowering Cactus Product Medley. It was a number one pick for me from the last catalogue, and I knew I would want to share it with my sisters and team.  It arrived and we oogled over it thinking about all the cards we would make - and then the shut-down happened...

Finally I was able to get together with Sue and we cased a bunch of ideas from around the internet and then had a fun afternoon creating.  I'm sorry I can't recall for sure where we saw some of the original designs presented here, some are our takes, and some are direct copies - we loved all the inspiration we saw. We barely made a dent into the pack of paper, and I'm sure there are still 300 felt flowers left - there will be more to come from this package for sure.

20210724 131952

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