TGCDT November 2019 Blog Hop - Everyone Can Use A Calendar

desk caddy

TGCDT LogoThis month for the Gentlemen Crafters Design Team Blog Hop I 'm going to share a FREE TUTORIAL from my website with you to make this fun little desk calendar caddy.  Keep a calendar, notepad and pencil handy for when you need one.  No special supplies required - just a sheet of card stock, a scrap of coordinating designer paper and some really good adhesive.  

My video walks you through all the steps of assembly and gives you the measurements that are also found in the tutorial printout you can get for free from my TUTORIALS section. Don't forget to order your calendar pads at the same time!  



If you join my Nesletter Mailing, I'll enter you in this month's draw for a project kit, including the calendar pad, to make a desk caddy of your own.  Enjoy!

  • - 1 regular 8.5" x 11" sheet of card stock of your choice
  • - 3.75" x 3" piece of coordinating designer/decorative paper
  • - Strong adhesive - I suggest double sided tear-tape 
  • - Mini padded calendars AVAILABLE HERE

Visit All The Other Talented Crafters In This Blog Hop


# Barry & Jay 2019-11-08 15:43
Lovely project Kevin, great hopping with you again this month!
# Kevin Estey 2019-11-13 12:53
Thanks guys! Your project was great this month too. Always fun hopping with you.
# Christine 2019-11-09 06:30
Thanks for sharing your project, your instructions make it so easy to follow and create my own.
# Carol Valentine 2019-11-09 12:07
Great project, just ordered some calendars and can’t wait to make them.
# Lorena Orton 2019-11-13 12:29
I am so excited to find someone providing the calendar tabs here in Canada. I can now get 2021 and beyond without the expense of duty and exchange when ordering from the US. I also truly appreciate that I can finally study a video to learn to use my left hand to hold the tear tape!
# Kevin Estey 2019-11-13 12:53
Yes, I will have these as a permanent part of my store. I will also be adding other great card making products in the new year. Funny about the tap - I'm actually right handed, but it is my right hand I use to position the end of the tape where I want it, and my left just holds the roll.
# Donna Marshall 2019-11-13 22:51
Great instructions! Thanks a bunch!

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